...And A Few (Synchronized) Divers
The Water Cube, formally known as the National Aquatics Center, opened to the public a month ago (28th January). The building is recognized for its unique, bubble-like out padding made of ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene plastic pillow. It’s a 11,000-seat venue and apparently "The water in the pool is even better than drinking water." (!!). It cost 1.02 billion yuan (€102 million or $150 million) and was mostly funded apparently by wealthy Chinese living outside of the mainland.
We decided with a group of friends to take advantage of the Good Luck Beijing events that are going on (a good way of testing the new venues) and check out the venue ourselves before the crowds next August (check here if you don’t know what I’m talking about!!).
Our impression: due to Beijing weather and pollution (really Beijing is polluted?) the outside structure looked already dirty and worn and the interior was nothing to brag about. We thought that the cube looked more appealing from a distance and it apparently looks amazing at night when the bubbles are lit up.
The Outside ! |
The Pools! |
The Inside! |
At Night
(Photo: China Daily)
At night time |