A few months ago I read in one of the Blog on Beijing about a place called Hutong Cuisine. I had mentioned it to some of my friends and we finally find a time convenient to all of us (and you would think being Tai Tai we would have a lot of Time Time, but we do live busy life!!!).
The cooking class given by ChunYi, a women from the Guandong province (canton), takes place at her home in a hutong (hence the name!!). So from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm she explained to us the different type of vinegar, soy sauce, etc... (a little bit like the French explain their wines), we then cooked (steamed fish, stir-fried cabbage and Gong Bao JiDing which is better known in English as Kung Pao Chicken) and finally ate the fruit of our labor.
THE Food |
THE Girls |